
Boost Your Social Media Presence and Revenue with Our Exclusive Content Packaging

For ANY business niche that is listed on Google can use our professional quality, relevant posts, tailored to automatically publish up to 3 times a day on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or YouTube without having to lift a finger or employ another person.

If its listed by Google we can do your posts for you, 3 times a day, 365 days a year.

90% of ALL MERSEYSIDE Small Businesses, we interviewed, are DELIBERATLY ignoring their customers
72% of ALL MERSEYSIDE Small Businesses,
Social Media "Overwhelm"

It’s usually because they fear the Urban Myth of 

  • Cost
  • Complicated Technology
  • Inconsistency 
  • It breaking down

The cost of Web Technology nowadays is insignificant or peanuts compared to the loss of business they are suffering.

The technology can be complicated, for about a week, (its called “a learning curve”), so if I can do this web site, (I’m aged 63), so can you, or you can pay me and I’ll make you one.

Inconsistency is the real business killer, but now even that can be automated, so you can run most businesses from a smartphone.

Breakdowns are possible, but I’ve never heard of Amazon, Netflix or Google having a puncture, so if you use reliable servers to run your business from, it won’t ever be an issue.

Limited Time Offer

If for ONLY $300 per month,
I created, then posted up to 270 posts, across Facebook, Instagram, Twitter channels, in the next 30 days,
(That's Just =$1.11 each),

to get you ahead of your local competitors, boosting your visibility without you lifting a finger, would you pay for that service on a monthly subscription?

Heavy Goods Vehicle Repairs

Claim a Free Gift Available For ANY SMALL Merseyside Business,

that will Tell You How You Compare To Your Local Competitors

It will show you, how you can turn your local business into something massive on Social Media without employing extra staff.

You might be only getting 3% of your LOCAL Business potential in Liverpool or Wirral

Nowadays,  most people shop for everything online and local businesses that pay small advertising costs are outflanked and out-spent by major companies.

But it doesn’t have to be this way as the internet offers a way to out-smart and beat them, with consistent, local, social media broadcasts, sprinkling in the odd advert for your business in a particular method and frequency that research has proven, works and is effective.

Best of all is that it can be at very little cost, if any, to most businesses.


Supposing it costs you £1.50 to do one social media broadcast, to say just 430 followers, how many people would it take that walked into your shop or store before they had spent that amount of money  back with you?

1 visitor, 2, 30, 100, 400?

Well it would cost the same to 40,000 followers as well.

What if you did that broadcast, (with differing content), twice a day, during your trading days?

So far, you’ve spent £3, which is less than a sandwich meal at Tesco, (which isn’t tax deductible, but your broadcast is).

What if that content was available to you already, free of any copyright issues, automated for transmission, pumped across all the Social Media channels automatically, that gave your followers a bit of a laugh, some inspiration, background knowledge of your operation, a bit more about you, your origins, your ethics, maybe even a contribution from a member of your family?

What if every say 8th broadcast, you had a little ‘offer’ to show your previous customers, maybe a discount or advertising plug for someone you admire?

The offers you could present would be just short of infinity.

Once your followers received your varying, entertaining content, expecting a regular feature of you personally wishing them a happy birthday, maybe to their grandson Charlie, ‘Babes’ or Grandad?

How long do you think it would be before they talked more about your business?

What if you invited them to contribute their own content and placed it in your daily broadcasts?

Have you ever been to a disco or club, where there would be a queue of young ladies asking for a record to be played for their best friends birthday? 

Do you think the local population would support you a bit more or the big bad smelly Amazon?

Do you think your neighbourhood population and followers might increase?

Are you getting the idea of the power of ‘SOCIAL MEDIA’ yet? 

Does any of what I have said excite you?

If so, you need to know where to start from, which is what my FREE REPORT will offer you.

It will tell you how many Followers, what reach your currently getting, some of what’s missing, it will rate your content and the real icing on the cake is that it will show you how you are social scoring in comparison to your local competitors.

Which is exactly what the platforms are doing to you right now and altering your list rank accordingly.

If your not getting views, because your funny or entertaining, your going to get destroyed financially, you know it, I know it, the government knows it and Facebook and Instagram know it.

Your running your business for a profit aren’t you?

What if your broadcasts were so good, you repeated them, they get shared, someone presses the FOLLOW button, oh my GOD!, you could be a superstar!

What if your video feed on Facebook had a share button on it and one of your customers shared it to their Grandma?

“Hey Grandma, your on Tony the Barbers YouTube channel, he said happy Birthday on Video to you.”

You’ll make Grandma’s day extra special which is a good thing isn’t it?

How long will Grandma keep that a secret for?

About 3 nano-seconds, I’d hazard a guess.

More importantly, Tony has never rubbed that woman’s scalp in her life, but she’ll be singing all about him to all her friends, WHERE?….. not just the Bingo hall, she’ll be looking for it on …….?

Social Media

If you asked her to ‘Like‘ or ‘Follow‘ your business to see more of her friends birthday requests, how long before someone else in Wirral or Liverpool  asks you to do the same?

Where will Grandma’s loyalty’s lie, when choosing to buy a Birthday voucher offer of a discounted haircut at Tony’s?

Grandmas like paying for grand kids hair cuts, last time I checked, (with their Mums permission of course).

How much did that broadcast cost Tony again? £1.50 wasn’t it?

I’m not here to convince you to get into Social Media, but I can offer you an insight to the potential your business niche might be missing in Liverpool or The Wirral.

Get your Free Social Media report today, it costs you nothing to have a look.

Stop making excuses, your a ‘Scouser’!

Support your local business community and get your FREE REPORT, be like Tony and do more haircuts, mow more lawns, fix more cars, sell more bicycles and make more pizza’s.

Maybe you’ll think about being a bit more “Savvy” in your local market and show the thousands of people in Liverpool and Merseyside what your all about!

If you want more tips like this, SUBSCRIBE to our Social Media Channels, we’ll try and INSPIRE you.

97% of ALL MERSEYSIDE customers are using SOCIAL MEDIA all day, every day, night, week, month, year.

"I think they're shut babe, just go online"

How many times will that be said today, tomorrow or Saturday afternoon?

Are you ready to take their Credit Card Details?

“I don’t do credit cards, they cost too much money“, I hear this every day from businesses.

Are you freeking nuts?


Cash ONLY Dinosaurs

I only do cash mate, is that alright?

“I don’t do plastic mate, they cost too much money“, I hear this every day from businesses, especially car repairs and cafe’s, but they are now slowly changing, but for those that haven’t.

Are you freeking nuts or just trying to cheat the Taxman?

Say it costs 2%, you’re getting 98% in exchange for a paying customer, but your happy to pay the government 20% in VAT, regardless of how they pay you.

I call that twisted logic, that deserves a good ‘slap’.

Your swapping a £2 coin in exchange for £100 note, by accepting payment cards, you are supplying the customer with a service they want, that can be integrated into your business web site, along with products, offers, lovely add-ons and repeat business with an appointment system that the computer software NEVER FORGETS!.

The latest thing you can offer is Payments on big items via PayPal, that offers your customers credit or instalments for paying for a gearbox, 4 tyres, a greenhouse, a large roof repair or a set of alloy wheels and you haven’t grasped the opportunity of taking away eBay’s alloy wheel business, brake parts supply etc.

Payment integration and payment ‘up-front‘ or at the time of the work is much better than chasing an overdue invoice payment, isn’t it?

If you won't serve them, guess where they will instantly turn to?

Your forcing them to buy from Amazon and other businesses that offer convenience, but no real customer experience, from a place they never leave.

The Social Networking Platforms

90% of ALL your customers pressed at least one of these buttons today, yesterday and will again tomorrow

When was the last time you posted on any Social media?

How many followers have you got: 0, 10, 5000, 506,000, 7,000,000 ? 

Are you on Google My Business? (Free)

Do you know that you can advertise for literally peanuts on it?

It’s FREE, if you know how to do it properly and offer FREE CONTENT.

If you don’t have the knowledge, its easily learned and put into practice.

It can be FULLY AUTOMATED by your grandmother or a 9 year old.

If you don’t have the time, we can show you how you won’t need any, if you follow a few simple rules or we can do it for you in literally minutes, so you don’t have to.

There are Millions of MERSEYSIDE customers and they nearly all are on Social media every hour of the day

Be a business with a following

How Much Business Are You Ignoring?

See How Much With This Estimator


By using this simple estimator, we can show you how much potential business you may be missing.

If you have no Social Media output, Your FREE REPORT will show you your local competitors  that are using it and you can calculate how much business they are taking from you.

  1. Enter the followers you or your local competitors  have on each platform from our FREE REPORT.
  2. Enter how many days you are open for business per week.
  3. Facebooks view rate is currently between 4% to 12%, (unless you pay).
  4. Enter your average sale amount per sale.
    eg: Plumber £120, HVAC installer £5000, Dog groomer £78 etc.
  5. Enter how many sales per 100 enquiries you get.
  6. Look at the business potential
  7. Wake up and start doing something.
  8. Give us a call if you need help maintaining CONSISTENT posts.
  9. Give us a call if you’d like your web site to do CALCULATIONS for your customers, I designed this one on an Excel spreadsheet and converted it to HTML so they can be quite comprehensive, (more of that later).

They are devouring social media content and remembering advertising of all the local or national businesses that entertain them and Facebook, Instagram, Tik-Tok, YouTube and Twitter are rewarding those businesses with more and more views of their content.

If you provide ‘FREE CONTENT‘ the social platforms want to show it to your customers for FREE!

If the local population keep seeing their local businesses on their favourite platform, where you make them laugh, give them tips, some stories, guess who they will want to give their business too?


but ONLY
if your still talking
to them

Whether your an Accountant in Birkenhead, a nail bar owner in Liverpool, or an Electrician in Hoylake many small local businesses are simply wasting their precious time, (or money), trying to satisfy the content eating monsters called Google, LinkedIn, TikTok, Twitter, Instagram or Facebook and are failing to reap the rewards that these platforms can offer their business.

It’s because of inconsistency and only automation can cure it.

Its easy to fix, but you first need to see where your business may be lagging behind your competitors.

We are offering you a Free Comprehensive Report, which will give you a detailed comparison between your own business vs 3 of your local competitors and how effective each is at using social media to build their business.

  1. It’s FREE
  2. It’s done online
  3. No salesman will call
  4. Its delivered via email
  5. You can read it having lunch
  6. You can choke on some of the things it may highlight
  7. You can leave us a ‘Like‘ on our Facebook or Instagram pages as payment for the report.
  8. You will see certain businesses in your area throwing in resources and making big profits from just tiny actions.
  9. You will also see what happens to those that have no automation.

We will filter out all the local businesses we think pose no danger to you, but will give you an insight to what the Social platforms see, (why you rank high or low), what you have missing,  what they think about your business and more importantly what your clients and followers are thinking about you!

Buckle Up!

It might surprise you to know how simple it is to re-engage with them and get their repeat business or those all important “LIKES” on your social media.

Your report is FREE because it is the foundation requirements that any business needs to rank, be promoted or even listed in any search results.

Its what we have to utilise to tell us what to do first and where any future costs would be best placed to be used by you or any other business needing some help and the anticipated reaction to your business.

It even suggests the best first steps to take to get your business enquiries to start flowing in.

The suggestions are based on what successful local businesses are already doing in Merseyside, Cheshire and Lancashire.

If you don’t want to use us, that’s fine as well , but please fix whatever the report highlights, the information is supplied by Google, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube all we do is break it down into easy to understand paragraphs and pictures.

We want your local business to succeed!

Don’t make excuses, make some more money and make your customers happy.

Why Social Media Management is IMPORTANT!!

One of our calculators to assess what your results could be

Potential Profit Soon Builds Up

Tell us your business Niche - eg: HVAC engineer, taxi , hairdresser etc

Tell us your location, (anywhere Google or Facebook exists)

Tell us how far you want us to research - (5 to 50 kilometres radius is acceptable for Google)

We will send you an acknowledgement of your request and then set up our AI software to run the search for you. The report should be finished within a few hours of us running the servers.

The report is FREE, it needs careful reading because it will highlight problems in an easy, digestable form  that your business may have with everything to do with your presence on the web, your Google my Business rankings, Search engine issues, Facebook issues, inconsistencies of your brand, missing tracking pixels, Twitter problems, Instagram  suggestions, your anticipated audience every time you post, your likes, your reviews and the icing on the cake will be your nearest competitors rankings will be on the report also.

Please note: This service takes time to cross check its data across all the platforms it can cover, so its not something that is for making a quick sale by our business.

But it does show the quality of our research and what you can expect should you ever use us in the future.

We want you to look at it closely and if at some point in the future you feel that we may be of service, we hope that you will consider using us.

It is currently FREE of CHARGE, if you want us to research Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube or other platforms we will require a consultation with you first, as it ties up our servers for hours and costs more to produce.

Take our word for it, the Free Report will be more than enough value for you to make some important business decisions with.  

Do We Cover Your Business Niche?

It doesn’t matter about the specific niche at this moment,  because at this stage, we are only offering you a FREE Report, so it can be created for ANY type of business listed on Google, Facebook and Instagram.

We have a direct link to Google and Facebooks API, so if your business type is listed by them, our systems can pull in the data required and create the report for you.

All you need to tell us your business niche, the search area you wish us to research and a return email name and email address that we can send the PDF report to.

Our services

Start your digital business
with our services

Web development

We can produce a website for most businesses, but we need to know its going to be of practical use to your business, so it has to serve a purpose, such as booking your diary, filling a hotel, selling your flowers etc.

First step is download a FREE Report on your current business rankings.

Graphic design

As a local business ourselves, we can’t say this isn’t important, but certain items are critical such as a decent and memorable LOGO.

The first step is to download a FREE Report on your current rank and we’ll take a look at your current layout.

Digital markting

This is now dirt cheap and always ignored by Liverpool and Wirral businesses, much to their detriment.

Our FREE POTENTIAL BUSINESS calculator can give you an indication of how much business you are turning away from

Download our FREE Report on your business and compare it to some others in your area, FOR FREE!

SEO Services

Search Engine Optimisation is a service that can be added for existing web sites etc. It basically means getting your web site to the top of the search results pages, without paying Google for it.

The first step is to have your web site assessed for FREE.

Just request your FREE Report and we will get Google’s opinion.


How to brand your business. Learn about branding for your company, products and services from the experts at G Dully.

It all starts with your FREE REPORT, which will show you the opinion that matters, Google Analytics.

UX/UI Design

How do I create a UX/UI design for my business?

Want to create a great user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) for your business, but don’t know where to start? Look no further!

Just remember that Google doesn’t care about ‘Pretty’, but your customers do!

G Dully has all the tips you need to get started.

About our agency

We are working for your success

G Dully is a detail-oriented agency that helps small businesses compete against the big boys in their particular niche, as the multi-nationals increase their advertising budgets, smaller businesses have to become more ‘savvy’, especially in Liverpool and The Wirral.

We offer recommendations on how to improve your website, SEO, social media presence, and more.

Our mission is to level the playing field for small businesses and help them thrive.

With years of experience in digital marketing, we are confident in our ability to help you succeed. Contact us today for a free consultation!

Gary Dully

Head of Software engineering


Why you should work
with our agency ?

Customer satisfaction

1. Get an in-depth report of your website’s online presence vs. your local competitors
2. Learn where you rank on search engines, and why
3. Identify what areas of your website need improvement
4. Download the free report and start making changes today!


• Increase customer satisfaction
• Improve customer retention
• Generate word-of-mouth marketing
• Increase social media presence

Experienced team

Not only do we use our own personal, we also will get outside contributors, such as Envato, Leads Gorilla, MailChimp, Offline Sharks and others  to enhance your business and we are a major user of new AI Technology and we love it! 

  • See how you compare to your top competitors
  • Gain an understanding of where your website is strong and weak
  • Get insights into what you can do to improve your online presence
  • Spot opportunities that you may have missed

Modern tools

We are constantly assessing AI technology, that can put your Social Media Posting rates into the stratosphere, generate web site or blog content, leaving your local Liverpool and Merseyside competitors lagging behind.

Our AI Systems can generate a years web or social media content in seconds, not weeks, with unique content guaranteed to be copyright compliant, without royalty issues and with 100% plagiarism free blog posts. web content and spectacular graphics.

Helpful support

We’re here to help. We have built a fantastic reputation of ‘just getting it done and if we can’t do it, we are happy to refer your business to 3rd parties that can help you.

Download our simple to understand FREE REPORT from our Google Analytics API and see what your doing with your web marketing in Liverpool and The Wirral.

1. Get an in-depth report of your website’s online presence vs. your local competitors
2. Learn where you rank on search engines, and why
3. Identify what areas of your website need improvement
4. Download the free report and start making changes today!

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our latest projects

We create high quality digital products
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  • Payment app
  • App for a garden
  • e-commerce website
  • News app

our skills

Start your digital business now

Download our Free Report on your current business ranking. Not our opinion, but that of Google & Facebook, who, let’s face it, decides on how many people get to see your business on the internet any time of the night and day.

Web development
Digital marketing & Seo
Web Design

our team

Meet our experienced

Jahangir Seven

Sr.Front-end engineer

Elcan Kazimov

UX / UI Designer

Ilona Kulan

Digital marketing

Ellit Onelan

Back-end engineer

Our Goals For 2023 - Wish Us Luck!

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customer testimonials

What our customers said
about our Free Report

Wow!, its just so comprehensive and I got it for FREE!

Adriana Lima

Software engineer

It starts with a list of your competitors and shows you how you compare in Liverpool with similar businesses in the area.


Steve Jobs

Graphic designer

The whole thing has been put together by a professional team of designers


Elcan Kazim


Its like talking to my father and he quietly whispers his wisdom from the page.


Jeff Bezos

Web designer

If their service quality matches this report, its bad news for the other agencies.


Bill Gates

Game developer

I gave it to my nine year old son and he understood it


Ilaha Kazimova

head of marketing at icenna

We pay our staff £000’s a year in salary and even they didn’t know what Google Analytics was saying about our business.

This report laid it all out, we just had to work our way through each suggestion.


Jahangir Seven

Cyber security specialist

We thought our site and web funnel pages were safe, we were wrong!


our blog

Read the latest posts
from our blog

Lets start

Ready to Get Your Free Report ?

G Dully Agency

1 Alpha Drive
CH42 1PH.
